Critical Minerals
for Energy Transition
Find all the recent and useful references from around the world with hyperlinks on critical minerals here.
This page lists (with links) some recent (i) government documents (ii) books (iii) policy briefs and reports, and (iv) journal articles on the subject of critical minerals for energy transition.

Government Policies/ Strategies
Government of India – Ministry of Mines. (2023) Report of the Committee on Identification of Critical Minerals for India.
Australian Government – Critical Minerals Office. (2023) Australia’s Critical Minerals List.
Serviço Geológico do Brasil (2023), Silva, G.F.; Cunha, I.A.; Costa, I.S.L. (Orgs.) 2023. An overview of Critical Minerals Potential of Brazil.
Government of Chile (2023) National Lithium Strategy
European Commission (2023), Proposal for A Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials
European Commission (2023), European Critical Raw Materials Act Proposal
Joint Research Centre (European Commission) (2023), Supply chain analysis and material demand forecast in strategic technologies and sectors in the EU: A foresight study
Australian Government - Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (2022), Critical Minerals Strategy
Government of Canada (2022) The Canadian Critical Minerals Strategy
U.S. Geological Survey (2022), List of Critical Minerals
Government of South Africa (2022), Exploration Strategy for Mining Industry – Targeted Critical Minerals Industry
Government of Mexico (2022) Amendment in Mining law to Nationalise Lithium
Kalantzakos S. Critical Minerals, the Climate Crisis and the Tech Imperium. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland; 2023.
Alena B, Alexandra P. The material basis of energy transitions. 2020.
Pitron G. The Rare Metals War: The Dark Side of Clean Energy and Digital Technologies . Scribe; 2021.
Valero A, Valero A, Calvo G. The Material Limits of Energy Transition: Thanatia. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2021.

Reports and Policy Briefs
IRENA (2023), Geopolitics of the energy transition: Critical materials, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.
Kowalski, P. and C. Legendre (2023), ‘Raw materials critical for the green transition: Production, international trade and export restrictions’, OECD Trade Policy Papers, No. 269, OECD Publishing, Paris.
IEA. (2023) Critical Minerals Market Review 2023.
Moerenhout T, Kohli PC, Goel S, Ray S, Janardhanan N, Olsen SH. Securing Critical Minerals Supply Chains for the Clean Energy Transition. 2023.
Narula K, Sedaoui R, Tulsidas H, Wittenstein M, Chadha R, Sivamani G, et al. Ensuring Sustainable Supply of Critical Minerals for a Clean, Just and Inclusive Energy Transition. 2023.
Janardhanan N, Moinuddin M, Olsen SH, Murun T, Kojima S, Korwatanasakul U, et al. Critical Minerals for Net-Zero Transition: How the G7 can Address Supply Chain Challenges and Socio-environmental Spillovers. 2023.
CEEW. Developing Resilient Renewable Energy Supply Chains for Global Clean Energy Transition. New Delhi: 2023.
CEEW, IEA, UC-Davis, WRI. Addressing Vulnerabilities in the Supply Chain of Critical Minerals. New Delhi: 2023.
Chadha R, Sivamani G, Bansal K. Assessing the Criticality of Minerals for India. New Delhi: 2023.
Bilek P, Ramdoo I, Hendriwardani M. ASEAN-IGF Minerals Cooperation: Scoping study on critical minerals supply critical minerals supply. 2023.
Bellois G, Ramdoo I. Searching for Critical Minerals? How metals are produced and associated together. 2023.
Barbanell M. Overcoming Critical Minerals Shortages Is Key to Achieving US Climate Goals. 2023
Chadha R, Sivamani G. Critical Minerals for India: Assessing their Criticality and Projecting their Needs for Green Technologies. New Delhi: 2022.
National Bureau of Asian Research. Critical Minerals: Global Supply Chains and Indo-Pacific Geopolitics. 2022.
Gielen D, Lyons M. Critical materials for the energy transition: Rare earth. Abu Dhabi: 2022.
Gielen D, Lyons M. Critical materials for the energy transition: Lithium. Abu Dhabi: International Renewable Energy Agency; 2022.
Sturman K, Loginova J, Worden S, Matanzima J, Arratia A. Mission critical Strengthening governance of mineral value chains for the energy transition. 2022.
EITI. Making the grade: Strengthening governance of critical minerals. 2022.
Gregoir L, van Acker K. Metals for Clean Energy: Pathways to solving Europe’s raw materials challenge. Leuven: 2022.
Leruth L, Mazarei A, Régibeau P, Renneboog L, Bown CP, Cavé A, et al. 22-12 Green Energy Depends on Critical Minerals. Who Controls the Supply Chains? Washington DC: 2022.
International Energy Agency. The Role of Critical Minerals in Clean Energy Transitions. 2021.
Gielen D. Critical Materials for the energy transition. Abu Dhabi: IRENA; 2021.
Bridle R, Bellmann C, Loyola V, Mostafa M, Moerenhout T. Driving Demand: Assessing the impacts and opportunities of the electric vehicle revolution on cobalt and lithium raw material production and trade. Winnipeg: 2021.
The World Bank. Minerals for Climate Action: The Mineral Intensity of the Clean Energy Transition. 2020.
Clare C, Crawford A. Green Conflict Minerals: The fuels of conflict in the transition to a low-carbon economy. 2018.
Journal Articles
Coming soon...
'Minerals and energy interface in energy transition pathways: A systematic and comprehensive review', Journal of Cleaner Production 2022, 376:134354