For project reports, please click here
Energy, Minerals & Climate Change
Consultant, Critical Energy Transition Minerals, UNEP New York
Consultant, National Mineral Index, Ministry of Mines, Government of India, 2021-2022
RE Siting and Commons for Foundation for Ecological Security
Electricity, Governance & Regulation - India's Integrated Energy Policy for Ashoka Centre for People-centric Energy Transition
Critical Minerals and Energy technologies for WRI India
Guest Faculty, Energy and Mineral Laws, LL.B, NLU Delhi
Guest Faculty, Energy Laws, TERI School of Advanced Studies
Regulatory & judicial approaches to Renewable Energy in India for IIHS
Evolution of energy transition in India: Drivers and challenges for Renewable Energy for IIHS
Advisor, Energy transition case studies, role of various stakeholders, especially international financial
institutions, and their replication in the global south for Intellecap
Consultant Reviewer, Governance indicators of Indian Oil and Gas sector and its effectiveness – India for Natural Resources Governance Institute
Open Government Data in Energy resources (OGD and transparency in Coal and Oil & Gas) TERI Project supported by WWW foundation and IDRC
Evidence Summary of disaster management approaches in context of South Asia TERI project supported by DFID
Critical assessment of Indian regulatory framework governing coal and other minerals in the context
of Responsible Sovereignty TERI project for KAS
Emerging Asia contribution on issues of technology for Copenhagen, TERI project supported under MFA Norway Agreement
Evolving a roadmap for resolving IPR issues in technology transfer and development for emerging
Asian Countries, TERI project supported under MFA Norway Agreement
Learning from emerging energy innovations in Asia: Contributing to the discourse on an institutional
framework for sustainable development, TERI project supported by ADB
A Sustainable Development Framework for the Gujarat Minerals Sector
Assessment of merits and demerits of becoming a signatory to Energy Charter Treaty TERI project supported for Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Environment & Resources Federalism
Fiscal federalism in the context of forests, environment and climate change TERI project for the XVth Finance Commission, Government of India
Environmental Federalism in India: Engaging with emerging issues: A case study of forests, TERI project supported by Konrad Adenauer Foundation
Strengthening Green Federalism, supported by MoEF, ISC, Government of India, TERI, the World Bank and Forum of Federations
Equitable sharing of benefits from coal mining and power generation among resource rich states, TERI project for Planning Commission, Government of India
Implications of management of sustainable development on fiscal federalism in India TERI project for the XIIIth Finance Commission of India
Legal and Constitutional aspects involved in Compensation for Natural Resources to Resource bearing States (Minerals, Coal, Hydropower, Oil and gas) TERI project for the Inter State Council Secretariat/ Prime Minister’s Office, Government of India

Biodiversity Conservation & Governance
Review and gap analysis of policies and programmes for Sustainable Tourism in SECURE Himalayas for TERI under the UNDP Secure Project
Review of Laws and Policies and Preparation of Stakeholder Manual for Participatory Forest Management (PFM) in Himachal Pradesh, for IIHS under World Bank Prosperity project
Conducting (legal) Situation Analysis and Capacity Needs Assessment vis-aÌ€-vis Human Wildlife Conflict in India for TERI (under
The Indo-German Project, “Human Wildlife Conflict Mitigation” – GIZ /MOEFCC)
Professional and analytical support to MoEF on Conservation of Marine biodiversity on behalf of WWF India
Customary Law in India: Its role in Protection of Indigenous Knowledge and Biodiversity, its status in
the Indian legal system for Gene Campaign, supported by IDRC, Canada

Technologies, Trade & Sustainable Consumption
Law and Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) for 2018 Taskforce on SPP, Government of India
Sensitization for Sustainable Public Procurement with a focus on energy efficiency and resource
Towards a multilevel governance framework for nanotechnology and regulatory aspects of nano
technology regulation, for IDRC
Patent Pooling and Access to Knowledge: A case study of biotechnology with reference to India,
supported by IDRC
Post-TRIPS IPR Regime in India – Opportunities and Challenges, supported by British High Commission
Enabling Sustainable Public Procurement in India towards a low carbon economy, TERI project supported by IISD