• 'Critical minerals for energy transition: The emerging regime complex', The Extractive Industries and Society (2024), 20:101536
• 'Deep Sea Critical Minerals for Energy Transition' Carbon Copy 18 August 2023
• ​'Trade in Critical Minerals: Revisiting the Legal Regime in times of Energy Transition' Resources Policy (2023) 82:103491

Journal Articles
• 'Critical minerals for energy transition: The emerging regime complex', The Extractive Industries and Society (2024), 20:101536
• 'Strengthening European Energy Security and Resilience through Minerals', European Energy and Environmental Law Review, (2024) 33:1, 35-45
• 'Trade in Critical Minerals: Revisiting the Legal Regime in times of Energy Transition', Resources Policy (2023), 82:103491
​• 'Elements and Possible Constraints for a Smooth Energy Transition in India', Ecology, Economy and Society-the INSEE Journal (2023) 6:1, 5-12; co-authored with R Kacker
​• 'Minerals and energy interface in energy transition pathways: A systematic and comprehensive review', Journal of Cleaner Production 2022, 376:134354 ; co-authored with Atul Kumar
​• ‘Biodiversity and the Indian Judiciary: Tracing the Trajectory’ in BRICS Law(2021) Journal, Vol 8, No 2 10-40; Co-authored with Gitanjali Gill and Nupur Chowdhury
• ‘State, Courts and Energy Resources in India: Revisiting Permanent Sovereignty over Natural Resources’, 2020 Indian Journal of International Law, 59(1), 209-228
• ‘The National Green Tribunal in India: examining the question of jurisdiction’, Asia Pacific Journal of Environmental Law (2018) Vol 21, Issue 2, 190–216, co-authored with Nupur Chowdhury
• ‘Governance and Nanotechnology Developments: A Focus on the Health Sector in India’, in 9:1 SCRIPTed 7 (2012); co-authored with Manish Anand and Shilpanjali Deshpande Sarma
• ‘Changing dynamics of forest regulation: Coming full circle?’ Review of European Community and International Environmental Law (2011) Vol. 20(2); 113-122
• 'Geoengineering and Law: A Case Study of Carbon Capture and Storage in the European Union' European Energy and Environmental Law Review(2011), Volume 20 Issue 5, pp. 187–196
• ‘Policy and ethical concerns in nanotechnology safety: case of Indian health sector’, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology (2011) Volume: 7, Issue: 1, 34-35; co-authored with Manish Anand and Shilpanjali Sarma
• ‘Clean Technology Transfer and Intellectual Property Rights’ in Sustainable Development Law and Policy, Vol IX issue 3, 42; co-authored with Nitya Nanda
• ‘Decision on Bt-Brinjal: Legal Issues; Commentary’ in Economic and Political Weekly, Vol xlv No 15, April 10, 2010, 18- 22; co-authored with Nupur Chowdhury
• ‘Regulation of Health related Nano Applications in India: Exploring the limitations of the Current Regulatory Design’ in “Novelty or Disguise? Regulation and Policy-Making in Nanotechnology”, Special Issue of Politeia Journal n. 94, (2009); co-authored with Nupur Chowdhury
• ‘Resource Federalism in India: The Case of Minerals’, Economic and Political Weekly,(2009), Vol. 44, Issue No. 08; co authored with Ligia Noronha, Divya Datt, PV Sridharan
• ‘Environmental Standards and India's Market Access Concerns’, ICFAI Journal of Environmental Law, Vol. 7, No. 2, 11-21, April 2008. Co-authored with Pavel Chakraborty

Policy Brief and Discussion Papers
• ‘Strengthening India’s Forest
Sector Recommendations to the Fifteenth Finance Commission, Paper submitted to the 2019 XVth Finance Commission of India; coauthored
• ‘Restructuring the Environmental Governance Architecture for India’ Discussion Paper (TERI, New Delhi, 2017), Co-authored with S Vijay Kumar
• ‘The Mineral Development and Regulation Framework in India’ Discussion Paper (TERI, New Delhi, 2015) Co-authored with S Vijay Kumar
• ‘Open Government Data (OGD) and energy resources in India’ Policy Brief (2014, New Delhi) Co-authored with Veena Aggarwal
• ‘Engagement with Sustainability Concerns in Public Procurement in India: Why and How’ Policy Brief (TERI, New Delhi, 2013); coauthored with Anandajit Goswami and Gaurang M Diljung
• ‘Greening the Indian federal system' Discussion paper for ‘Greening the Indian Federal System: Views from the Centre and States’ 2012; coauthored with Bibhu P Nayak
• ‘Facilitating Technology Transfer for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation’, for the 17th Conference of Parties to the UNFCCC, 28 November–9 December 2011; co-authored with Nitya Nanda​
• ‘Securing Access to Patented Knowledge in Biotechnology: Can Patent Pooling offer a Solution to India’, Paper for 8th Globelics Conference 1 – 3 November 2010, Kuala Lampur; co-authored with Indrani Barpujari and Nitya Nanda
• 'Customary Law and Protection of Indigenous Knowledge’; Briefing paper for Gene Campaign’s IDRC project on Protection of Indigenous Knowledge, January, 2005

Project Reports and Policy reports
Reports in public domain available here -
Evidence Summary of disaster management approaches in context of South Asia
Learning from emerging energy innovations in Asia: Contributing to the discourse on an institutional framework for sustainable development
Fiscal federalism in the context of forests, environment and climate change
Environmental Federalism in India: Engaging with emerging issues: A case study of forests,
Equitable sharing of benefits from coal mining and power generation among resource-rich states
Implications of management of sustainable development on fiscal federalism in India
​Patent Pooling and Access to Knowledge: A case study of biotechnology
Enabling Sustainable Public Procurement in India towards a low carbon economy

Green Federalism: Experiences and Practices (2015, TERI press, New Delhi); Co-edited with PG Dhar Chakrabarti

Book Chapters
• ‘Climate Change Mitigation Law in India’ in van Calster ed. Handbook of Climate Change Mitigation Law (2015, Edward Elgar Publishing, Brussels)
• ‘Legal Framework for Multiple Values Sustainable Management of Forests in India’ in Sustainable Forest Management for Multiple Values: a paradigm shift (Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, 2014); Co-authored with G N Sinha and Subhash Chandra
• ‘Oil and gas federalism in India’ in Anderson George ed. ‘Oil and Gas in Federal Countries’ (Oxford University Press, Canada, 2012); co-authored with Ligia Noronha
• 'Nanotechnology in India: A Case for Multi-level Governance' in Sarma & Anand ed. Capabilities and Governance of Nanotechnology in the Developing World (2013, TERI Press, New Delhi) 209 - 235; co-authored with Manish Anand
• 'Regulating the Risks of Nanotechnology: Issues for India' in Sarma & Anand ed. Capabilities and Governance of Nanotechnology in the Developing World (2013, TERI Press, New Delhi) 209 - 235; co-authored with Indrani Barpujari and Nupur Chowdhury
• ‘Planning for the Future: Decision making on Energy Policy in India’ in Adnan A. Hezri, Wilhelm Hofmeister eds. ‘Towards a green economy : in search of sustainable energy policies for the future’ (Singapore : Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung; Kuala Lumpur: ISIS, Malaysia, 2012); co-authored with Harsha Meenawat
• Nanotechnology and State Regulation (India)’ in Donald McLuran & Natalia Radywyl ed(s) Nanotechnology and Global Sustainability, (CRC press, 2011); co authored with Nupur Chowdhury
• ‘Genetically modified organisms and biosafety: an Indian perspective’ in Raju, KD (Ed), ‘Genetically Modified Organisms emerging law and Policy in India’, TERI Press, New Delhi, 2007

Newspaper/ Magazines
• 'Deep Sea Critical Minerals for Energy Transition' Carbon Copy 18 August 2023
• 'A National Electricity Plan for energy transition: How ready are we?' ET Energy 25 November 2022; ; coauthored with Rakesh Kacker
• 'We need an orderly transition from coal to renewables', Indian Express July 18, 2022; coauthored with Rakesh Kacker
• 'Coal strikes back - Lessons from a crisis', ET Energy, 13 October 2021
• ‘What lies beneath: Mineral mining in India’, The Telegraph , 27 May 2021
• ‘Green Federalism’, Seminar No. 717, May 2019; Co-authored with Balveer Arora
• ‘Nanotech for clean water: New technology, new rules?’ Scidev, May 6th 2009; co-authored with Malini Balakrishnan
• ‘Patent pooling in Indian biotechnology: the issue of access to technology’, GALT Update Volume 5 Issue 1, October 2010; co-authored with Indrani Barpujari
‘Protecting Coral Reef: Legal Perspective in India’; Panda, WWF India Newsletter, December, 2005
• ‘Conservation of Wetland: An analysis of Indian Laws’, Policies and International Obligations; Panda, WWF Newsletter, April 2006. Co-authored with Rajesh Sehgal